Freddie Mac is one of the pillars of the US lending market, responsible for providing liquidity and stability and holding more than $2 trillion of residential mortgages. When the COVID-19 pandemic exploded, Freddie Mac needed to respond quickly, helping mortgage servicers and lenders make sense of the critical policy and program changes that would shape how they interacted with borrowers.
The organization turned to VShift to create the Client Resource Center (CRC). A hub for all relevant communications from Freddie Mac, the CRC enables clients to:
Aggregate all vital communications in one place
Customize topics and select types of information they received
Dramatically reduce the flood of redundant, disjointed communications
Be certain they have all relevant information on any subject of interest
Leveraging the component-based architecture and headless CMS we had helped put into place, this massive content management undertaking was rolled out in a matter of weeks, giving Freddie Mac Single-Family and its business partners the ability to get out in front of a potentially catastrophic housing crisis and stave off a massive wave of foreclosures.